
Tips for downloading video

Download the video

Click Start, Programs, GetBot to open the GetBot Download window. In Internet Explorer, right-click a link to the video and choose Copy Shortcut. You can also press the T key on your keyboard to copy the shortcut. GetBot will download the video.

Use the Site window to find the video

If the video is playing in the page, right-clicking it might not work.

In GetBot, click Open, New Site Window. Paste in the page's address and click Go. Select the video in the list, and click Get.

Note: You have to buy and activate GetBot to use the Get button in the Site window. If you're still evaluating GetBot, just right-click the video in the Site window and choose Properties. Select its address, right-click it, and choose Copy. This will do the same thing.

Find the address of the video in the page's HTML

If the page doesn't link to the video and it isn't listed in the Site window, you can always find its address the same way your browser does - by looking in the HTML.

Note: This tip assumes that a page is doing everything it can to make a video hard to download. Most of the time, you won't have to go into a page's HTML.

In your browser, right-click near the video and choose View Source. Don't right-click the video itself, because the media player will show you its menu. Also, don't click View, Source in your browser's menu. You might get the HTML of a frameset instead of the page.

Tip: Instead of clicking View Source to look at the HTML, just have GetBot download the page. Then, open the saved page in Notepad to see its source.

With the HTML opened in Notepad, click Edit, Find.... If you're using a different editor, bring up its search box. Type the file extension of the movie, like ".mov", to try to find it. Or, just look for it by reading the HTML directly.

You might find the video referenced in a relative address, and have to put together its complete address. For instance, if the HTML says the video source is "media/", check the address of the page. If it's "", then put the two together to make the complete address "".

Once you've got the address, download it with GetBot. Right-click it and choose Open to make sure the video plays off the Web. Right-click and choose Open Saved File to see what you've downloaded.

That file is too small to be the video!

GetBot might save a 1 KB file that somehow plays the full video when double-clicked. If this happens, it's most likely a small text file that just contains another address.

Right-click the file in GetBot and choose Open Containing Folder. From Windows Explorer, drag it into Notepad to view its contents. Copy the new address, and have GetBot download it.

Streaming video

GetBot can download addresses that begin http://, https://, ftp://, and gopher://. Although much of the media on the Web is delivered with http://, streaming video can use the closed protocol specific to its vendor instead. For instance, Windows Media stream addresses start mms://, and GetBot cannot download them.

Only the Windows Media Player is able to receive data from mms:// addresses. In practice, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the United States forbids the creation and use of software that can save media streams.


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